people working around a desk

Content Marketing

people working around a desk
Axonn Blog

How to work with a content strategy agency

Well-executed content creation can deliver exceptional results for your business, from amplifying your brand awareness on social media to increasing conversions. However, a poorly implemented content strategy can have the opposite effect by failing to attract your target audience.  One of the main concerns for businesses is whether to hire an in-house content strategy team […]

Coloured diagrams
Axonn Blog

Size does matter: why you should create long-form content

For many businesses – particularly those operating in the B2B space – it’s not easy to establish and develop audience relationships. Your customers are likely to be very busy and won’t have a lot of free time to spend consuming marketing content. If you face this challenge, your first thought might be to keep your […]

woman looking at phone
Axonn Blog

Virtual influencers: Fad or future?

If you own a smartphone and have an account on any social media website, you’ll be familiar with the weird world of influencer marketing. But now, it’s being taken a step further with artificial intelligence (AI).  The concept of robots taking on human-like traits and becoming sentient has always been feared by technology sceptics. Although […]

Axonn Blog

Can email marketing make you a millionaire?

Email marketing has been used by businesses of all shapes and sizes for decades. Since the advent of the Internet in the 1990s, email has empowered marketers with a quick, easy and direct way to reach customers. Can it make you a millionaire? Not necessarily. But is email marketing still worth it? Absolutely. When done right, […]

Axonn Blog

The pitfalls of bad translation: Funny, rude or downright wrong

Language is a fascinating thing. From semantics and dialects to slang and idioms, there’s always something new to learn, even if you’re a native speaker. In the content marketing world, there are many language-related concepts that brands should be familiar with, whether it’s the fundamentals of syntax and grammar or the most effective way to […]

Axonn Blog

If you want to target millennials, go deep and detailed in your marketing

Targeting millennials is a common priority for modern brands, partly owing to the sheer size and consumer power of this group. According to the World Economic Forum, there are 1.8 billion millennials around the world (nearly a quarter of the global population), and they’re seen as the most educated generation. If you’re looking to engage […]

Axonn Blog

Putting the ‘thought’ back into thought leadership

As a new year begins, there will be a lot of businesses looking to the future and thinking about how they can step up their marketing efforts in 2022. For many, a key focus will be the creation of thought leadership content. When it’s done well, this can lead to all sorts of benefits, including […]

Axonn Blog

Five habits of highly effective content marketers

Content marketing is a constantly evolving, highly competitive space, where you need to be at the top of your game for your brand to stand out and achieve great results. With that in mind, you should always be thinking about how you work and how you might be able to do things differently to get […]

Axonn Blog

Why you should use lists in your content marketing

The top ten places you should visit before you die. Five weird ways to get married. Nine atrocities that will make you hate humanity. We’re all used to these kinds of lists. They’re always fun to scroll through, and there are some clear reasons why they have such a big impact on people, and therefore […]

Axonn Blog

5 reasons why the NFL excels at content marketing

Once seen as very much an American obsession, the NFL has grown in popularity around the world in recent years. Its International Series was launched in 2007 and has gone through a steady expansion since 2016, with regular games now taking place in London and Mexico City. Future plans could see the series expanded to […]