
One of the biggest benefits any business can gain from incorporating strong visual elements into its marketing is the delivery of a positive, memorable experience to the audience.

While there are various visual content types that can be memorable for your target audience, from custom graphics to video production, there are few more likely to achieve this than infographics.

These highly engaging graphic design assets are a great way to add a sense of fun to your marketing and convey some highly useful information to your customers at the same time.

The benefits of using infographics

Infographics come in particularly useful when you have lots of facts and figures you want to present to your audience in an easily digestible package, or if you want to explain a process to customers in a clear, step-by-step manner.

One of the biggest benefits of an infographic is it can grab your reader’s attention at a glance. Most people prefer visual content to text alone, and the majority of consumers are visual learners. This means an infographic is far more likely to be engaged with than a text-only webpage.

They’re also highly versatile. Whether you’re looking to engage a B2C audience with some quirky fun facts or offer a B2B buyer an overview of some of the key features of your product or service, an infographic can help get the message across much more effectively than written content alone.

Here are some other compelling benefits of this format:

  • Infographics are highly shareable and a good way of earning backlinks, an important SEO ranking factor
  • They can help you tell a story that has an instant impact and is more likely to be remembered by your customers
  • You can use infographics to share your insights on a particular subject and demonstrate your knowledge, while providing a fun experience for your audience

Making the most of infographics

A well-made infographic can do much more than you might think. For example, you may be able to break it up into smaller snippets that are more shareable on social media channels. 

A lengthy piece of content can initially put some users off, especially if they have to zoom in or scroll a long way to see it all. By offering them a bite size chunk that links directly to the full version, you can overcome these issues.

Understand that people can absorb and retain far more information through a visual medium than through text, so embrace bold styling and don’t be afraid to really load up on stats.

Infographics are also a great way to improve your brand identity and visibility. Make sure it’s consistent with your familiar style to make your content stick in the minds of users, or reuse key elements of the design across your website for better consistency. If you create a central character for your infographic, for example, consider having them pop up elsewhere.

It’s not just about grabbing attention at the earlier stages of the sales process. In fact, from a financial perspective, infographics can help you move leads along the sales funnel and boost conversions by providing a visual representation of what you have to offer and how it benefits your customers.

If you’re ready to start using infographics but you’re not sure where to start, Axonn has the experience and expertise to help.