Axonn Blog

Digital Assets

Resource restrictions? Reduce, reuse and recycle

Doing content marketing well in-house isn’t easy. Not only does it take significant expertise and planning to develop a strategy, but the execution requires a huge investment of time, expertise and effort. Then you need to assess progress, adjust your strategy and start the whole process all over again. You could be forgiven for looking […]

Signpost against a sunset sky
Content Marketing

Outsourcing content marketing: 7 tips for picking the perfect partner

Having good content on your website is one of the most important criteria for the success of your marketing and, ultimately, your business. It’s time-consuming and difficult to build a content-rich, well-functioning website, and you may not have the necessary resources, facilities or expertise in-house. Fortunately, there are many agencies out there that provide content […]

Content Marketing

Why internal communication is vital to your content strategy

If you understand the value of high-quality content, you’re already aware of the importance of communication in getting good results from your marketing and forming strong relationships with your clients. You might have great ideas for how your brand messaging will work externally, but do you have a plan for making sure everyone on the […]


Marketers, ignore emojis at your peril

Emojis have been steadily growing in use and significance in recent years, to the point that they have effectively become a language of their own. Statistics from Emojipedia show that nearly one in five tweets now includes an emoji and five billion emojis are sent every day on Facebook Messenger alone. Patterns in emoji use […]

Social Media

How to turn a complaint into a marketing win

Today (Monday June 28th) marks the start of Wimbledon 2021. The Championships are returning to SW19 for the first time in two years, having been cancelled last year because of the coronavirus pandemic. For tennis fans, the start of this famous event will bring back memories of tournaments past, whether it’s John McEnroe’s “You cannot […]

Content Marketing

3 things the online property market can teach us about content marketing

Property – like most industries in the 21st century – has shifted its focus online, forcing estate agents to behave more and more like content marketers. In the past, selling a house typically involved sticking a picture of the property and an asking price in the window of a high-street agent office, or for those […]

Digital Campaigns

Don’t start a digital marketing campaign without doing these 6 things

Planning and launching a digital marketing campaign is an ambitious, often challenging undertaking that requires a lot of careful thought and research. There’s a lot of noise and activity in the digital space, which you’ll need to cut through if you want to connect with your target audience and gain some tangible returns from your […]

Content Marketing

How to never run out of content ideas

A lot of hard work goes into planning, creating and launching a marketing campaign, so it makes sense to take full advantage of every asset you produce to support it. Unless your goals are incredibly time-sensitive (for example, if your content was very seasonal or based around a specific event), there’s no reason why you […]

Development Services

Do you need a new website? 7 key questions to ask

Developing a new website is undeniably a big and often challenging undertaking, but it’s something every business should be prepared to do when the time is right. Your website is your shop front. It’s the first port of call not only for existing customers, but new ones too. It’s the face of your business. It […]

Content Marketing

How to create 108 content ideas in 30 minutes

Content marketing cannot exist without content, and content cannot exist without ideas. But where do you get your ideas from? Standard brainstorming sessions can be effective, but can also get sidetracked or dominated by those who shout the loudest. After debating each suggestion, you might find you come away with just a handful of workable […]