Axonn Blog

Digital Assets

Why guides and whitepapers can build trust in your brand

A good content marketing strategy relies on a variety of content, but some brands shy away from long-form examples like guides and whitepapers. While these in-depth pieces can seem daunting, they represent an unrivalled opportunity to show expertise and build trust in your brand. With a good copywriter onboard, there’s no reason why standard blog […]

Digital Campaigns

Begin with a bang: What do you need for a successful launch campaign?

Launch campaigns can be daunting. You only get one chance to make a first impression and there are so many different directions you could go in, making it seemingly impossible to settle on a final idea.  The most important thing to do is give your team the time to explore a number of launch campaign […]

Content Marketing

How to get the best results from your newsletters

Newsletters are a popular and effective content marketing tool, but so often they embody untapped potential. They are the perfect example of an area that will a little bit of attention can drive audience engagement and new leads.  So, from solid newsletter copywriting to small measures that will have a big impact, here’s how to […]

Digital Campaigns

Top 3 trends of 2020 to get your brand noticed

We might not be quite at the end of 2020, but what the last three months can bring that the preceding nine haven’t is too much for anyone to get their head around. So, with all the distractions that have been thrown our way, you may have failed to notice the biggest trends in marketing […]

Image credit: iStock/elenabs
Digital Assets

How an infographic tells a thousand words

Whether you’ve got some exciting new stats to get across to your audience or you’re trying to convey a complex issue in an engaging way, infographics should be part of your creative content marketing mix. Effective infographics manage to present big ideas in relatively small spaces with a combination of high-impact visuals and the written […]

Digital Advertising

A concise guide to Facebook advertising

Facebook is the largest social media network in the world. Fact. As of 2024, there are more than 3.05 billion monthly active users on the platform. So, if you’re going to advertise anywhere, it might as well be there.  But before you go throwing all your budget at the platform, it’s worth doing your homework. […]

Development Services

4 free tools to measure your site performance

If you want to impress visitors and attract new customers, you need more than a website that just looks good and offers great content. It has to provide the functionality to keep visitors engaged. If it’s confusing to navigate, suffers from slow page loading speeds or doesn’t have the right SEO metadata to offer to search […]

Digital PR
Digital Assets

How best to use webinars in your content strategy

Webinars may not be the first tool you turn to in your creative content strategy, but overlooking them could mean losing out on potential lucrative leads. The average viewing time for a webinar is 61 minutes, according to GoToWebinar, which is a long time to have your audience’s attention for. Of course, to get that […]

Content Marketing

Guide to content optimisation: Diving deeper into best practice [Download]

Understanding how to make the most of your content is essential if you want to promote increased brand awareness, drive leads and, ultimately, help your business to grow. Content optimisation should play a crucial role in your marketing strategy, helping to deliver improved rankings in search and ensuring your marketing activities provide the most bang […]