Axonn Blog

Digital Advertising

Instagram: Go beyond beautiful images to build brand awareness

Instagram can be a very effective place to increase brand awareness on social media. After all, there are more than one billion active monthly users on the platform, making it a smart choice for putting your brand in front of your audience. Just like all company assets, it’s important that this is done in an […]

Content Marketing

Sharing is learning – What life/business skills can you help your team with?

Business success is largely dependent on your employees and the various skills, capabilities and experience they have to offer. With a competent and adaptable workforce, you can seize new opportunities and overcome the various challenges that are likely to come your way. It’s important, therefore, to invest in your people and to ensure they’re constantly […]

Content Marketing

Content optimisation: Isn’t that just SEO?

As marketers, it’s very easy to get confused between content optimisation and search engine optimisation (SEO), leading to many believing them to be the same thing. In reality, the two concepts are related but not quite the same. SEO is a broader term that refers to all of the techniques a marketer can use to […]

Digital Campaigns

Why now is the time to have an inbound marketing strategy

Whether you’re familiar with what inbound marketing is or not, you’ll certainly have experienced it. As consumers, we are inundated with thousands of advertising and marketing messages every day. Some are uniquely crafted and targeted to our eyes, but most are not. Inbound marketing is the process of attracting customers to your brand, by providing […]

Video Production

On-location video creation during COVID-19: How to film safely

The impact of coronavirus means there’s been massive disruption for businesses across the UK in recent months, which means many activities that were planned to go ahead have had to be put on hold, including the creation of high-quality video content. On-site video shooting has been hard hit during the pandemic, as bringing together the […]

Content Marketing

What does ‘thought leadership’ mean to you? 5 myths debunked

Thought leadership is among the marketing solutions that we get asked about most frequently here at Axonn Media. And while it’s great that our clients are keen to make use of this dynamic element of content marketing strategy, there remain a lot of myths surrounding the subject. Most clients are interested in thought leadership as […]

Digital Campaigns

Taking the noise out of B2B marketing challenges

The world of marketing is a noisy place. It is – and always has been – a melting pot of innovation and perpetual reinvention. This isn’t a surprise. Marketing attracts the go-getters, the creatives and the doers. The movers and the shakers. Add to this the intersection with digital and marketers’ intrinsic interest in bandwagons, […]

Digital Advertising

Branded content regulation – Does money change everything?

There is an old episode of Family Guy where Peter Griffin wins a fantasy weekend for two with the Boston Red Sox. When news of this gets out various friends appear at his door, offering various unsolicited gifts which they hope will make Peter decide to take them along with him. The punchline comes after […]


Reuse, repurpose, upcycle. Are you making the most of your content?

Providing your audience with a steady supply of new, high-quality content should be a fundamental part of your marketing strategy, particularly if you’re focused on generating leads through SEO. But as important as it is to regularly produce new and unique marketing materials, you should also be thinking about ways to get maximum value from […]