Axonn Blog

Content Marketing

The content you should be using to achieve your marketing goals

The content your business produces should be planned and tailored to help you achieve the goals outlined in your marketing strategy. Without a clear focus on your objectives, you run the risk of wasting time and resources on producing content that doesn’t generate results. According to the B2B Content Marketing 2023 report from the Content […]


The big data addiction

There is every chance your business is addicted to data. Can’t live without it, in fact. The hard truth is, we live in an era where much of what we consider essential to our way of life depends on data-driven apps such as Google Maps, Citymapper and Fitbit. We are slaves to the alarm clock, […]

Video Production

Shooting from Home Guide [Video]

The way many of us work has dramatically changed in recent weeks, with millions embracing the challenges of working from home. That means the need to keep in contact using the latest technologies is more important than ever. With video calls from mobile phones, tablets and laptops now a staple of our day for many […]


5 easy and actionable SEO techniques for better organic traffic

Any brand can pay to boost its visibility in Google rankings, but the true test of your ability to draw in visitors from the world’s biggest search engine is organic traffic. If you want people to find your website through Google, you need to earn your place on the first page of search results for […]

Digital Campaigns

The bright future of B2B marketing

Does anyone genuinely still believe that B2B marketing is the less glamorous, frumpy and unsexy cousin of B2C marketing? After all, what is sexier than playing the long game … teasing and wooing over a period of time, building desire through a meandering purchase journey full of ups and downs, and “maybe one day”… OK, […]

Content Marketing

Top 5 strategies to drive conversions through your content

High-quality content is essential if you want to attract visitors to your website, but just drawing people in isn’t enough. One of the fundamental goals of content marketing is to convert web visitors into customers, so you should be doing everything you can to encourage people to take further action after viewing a piece of […]

Development Services

Is your website losing you sales? Here are 5 key elements to check

For any business, your website is one of the most important tools in showcasing your services and giving customers a taste of what to expect from working with you. That said, you may not be making the most of this valuable asset and, in some cases, bad user experience from a poorly designed and optimised […]

Digital Advertising

140 people every content marketer should follow on Twitter

Engaging with influencers is an important part of any content marketing strategy, and more marketers are using social media for influencer marketing. That’s why we’ve put together a list of 140 Super Awesome Content Marketing Accounts Every Marketer Should Follow – the top professionals everyone in the industry should be keeping up with. So how […]

Content Marketing

6 common content marketing mistakes that could be sinking your chances of success

A successful content marketing strategy can drive your business to new heights, helping you boost brand visibility, earn trust and tap into exciting new audience segments. But you can’t hope to get the best results from your marketing if you’re making the most basic errors. Here are some common mistakes that you should be making […]