Camera set up in snow-covered mountains

Axonn Blog

Camera set up in snow-covered mountains
Video Production

How to drive engagement through video marketing services

Video content is an integral part of any marketing strategy and an effective way of achieving brand awareness within your target audience.  Such assets have been found to perform well as part of a social media marketing strategy and are now favoured over traditional advertising by many. It’s therefore vital to approach video marketing with […]

Digital Assets

5 essential steps to pick the best marketing software for you

The digital nature of our world today means we’re constantly faced with a bewildering array of technology and software options, all claiming to be the best-suited to our needs. Whenever you upgrade your phone, laptop or tablet, within two months you’ll see a new device promising to do more, work faster and weigh less than […]

Laptop, notepad and mug of coffee ona blue background
Development Services

7 ways to speed up your website development project

Your website has an essential role to play in your efforts to build a brand, generate leads, win new business and earn lasting customer loyalty. It’s crucial, therefore, that when the time comes to embark on a website development project, you give yourself plenty of time to prepare and come up with a strategy that […]

Digital transformation concept. System engineering. Binary code. Programming.
Digital Campaigns

Metrics 101: Getting to grips with your website performance indicators

So, your latest Google Analytics report brought back a few home truths about your content strategy. Maybe your conversion rates aren’t as high as you would like them to be, or an unacceptable proportion of users are failing to engage with your website and leaving shortly after arriving. With so many different factors affecting website […]

women looking at a computer
Digital Campaigns

What it takes to find the perfect marketing agency near me

When it comes to choosing the best marketing agency for your business you should be as selective as possible. Working with an agency that doesn’t share your values or that you simply don’t get along with can be a huge waste of valuable time and resources. It’s essential to know what to look for and […]

Video Production

How clients can build strong relationships with agencies

At its most basic level, the relationship between client and agency is really pretty simple. The client wants to hit its marketing goals (whether it’s raising brand awareness, funnelling traffic to a specific webpage, gaining more email newsletter subscribers, or anything in between), while the agency wants a clear brief and creative control to achieve […]

people working around a desk
Content Marketing

How to work with a content strategy agency

Well-executed content creation can deliver exceptional results for your business, from amplifying your brand awareness on social media to increasing conversions. However, a poorly implemented content strategy can have the opposite effect by failing to attract your target audience.  One of the main concerns for businesses is whether to hire an in-house content strategy team […]

Coloured diagrams
Content Marketing

Size does matter: why you should create long-form content

For many businesses – particularly those operating in the B2B space – it’s not easy to establish and develop audience relationships. Your customers are likely to be very busy and won’t have a lot of free time to spend consuming marketing content. If you face this challenge, your first thought might be to keep your […]

woman looking at phone
Content Marketing

Virtual influencers: Fad or future?

If you own a smartphone and have an account on any social media website, you’ll be familiar with the weird world of influencer marketing. But now, it’s being taken a step further with artificial intelligence (AI).  The concept of robots taking on human-like traits and becoming sentient has always been feared by technology sceptics. Although […]

Content Marketing

Can email marketing make you a millionaire?

Email marketing has been used by businesses of all shapes and sizes for decades. Since the advent of the Internet in the 1990s, email has empowered marketers with a quick, easy and direct way to reach customers. Can it make you a millionaire? Not necessarily. But is email marketing still worth it? Absolutely. When done right, […]