Summary Social media marketing can be a complex business, but with over half the world’s population on these platforms, you can’t afford to ignore it. Here’s why teaming up with a social media management specialist can help you navigate these platforms. THE IMPORTANCE OF SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGEMENT More than half of the global population – […]
Summary If you’re a B2B brand looking to build awareness, develop relationships with your audience and generate leads, LinkedIn advertising could be just the ticket. Find out what you need to know about getting started with LinkedIn ads as part of your social media ad strategy and the various formats you have to choose from. […]
Summary Is your firm making the most of its social media advertising efforts? If not, here are some essential strategies and tools you should be using to improve your results. WHY ADVERTISE ON SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is a dynamic, seemingly ever-expanding space that provides countless opportunities for companies to build their brands and engage with […]
Summary Effective use of social media is a critical part of any business’ digital marketing strategy. Find out everything you need to know about how to make the most of this in order to boost traffic, engage customers and improve your brand image. Why is social media important for business users across all sectors? No […]
Summary With so many different types of social media to choose from, how can you ensure you’re making the right calls for your business? The social media universe is expanding and growing more diverse with each passing year. While this offers unprecedented opportunities for marketing, it can also make it difficult for businesses to know […]
Summary Social media marketing is an indispensable part of any business’ digital strategy. What should professionals know before embarking on a campaign on these platforms? Find out how to get starting, where to focus your efforts and what you should be looking at the measure success. Social media is something no business can afford to […]
Summary Good graphic design can be the difference between a website or content marketing campaign that stands out and one that gets lost in the crowd. What do you need to know to make this a success? You’re probably familiar with the concept of graphic design. Creating compelling visuals in order to promote your brand, […]
Summary Video marketing gets results. Moving images create highly engaging, emotional connections with audiences that help raise brand awareness, break down complex ideas into clear explanations and show off your core values. Actually delivering high-quality video can be difficult, especially if you don’t have much experience with filming or editing. Poorly-done work will reflect badly […]
Summary Video is one of the best ways to take a digital marketing campaign to the next level and create a genuine connection with customers. But for smaller brands in particular, this can be hard to achieve in-house, which is why teaming up with a video marketing services provider is a great idea. Are you […]
Summary Brands that invest in video marketing can enjoy a wide range of benefits, including greater brand awareness, better customer engagement and improved lead generation. But it can seem complex if you’re looking at this for the first time. Read on to learn all you need to know about the basics of this form of […]